
Big City Cowgirl

Unorthodox? Maybe. Unique? Definitely.  Big City Cowgirl ain’t your average singer/songwriter. She blends her urban upbringing in Brooklyn - along with the eclectic musical tastes ingrained in her, and encouraged, by her parents - to create  her own distinctive sound.  Sometimes twangy, sometimes gritty, sometimes sounding a little too New Yawk in her songs, she credits her sense of eccentricity and playfulness, coupled with how a song’s mood strikes her when she is writing it, as to how she sings each song. “I never know who’s gonna come out of me,” she laughs, “and I go with it.”  Regardless, her raspy, unusual, notable voice is undeniably recognizable in every tune.


Big City Cowgirl’s love of music dates back as far as she can remember. She says, "Music has always been so much a part of who I am." She acknowledges that she doesn’t follow the mainstream - she writes from her heart and soul - whatever comes naturally - and hopes that she makes her musical mark. Her aim is straightforward - to make a positive difference in peoples’ lives through song. To that end, she maintains that her greatest desire is for her songs to become a part of the soundtrack of people’s lives. “I won’t stop making music because it’s cathartic for me,” she notes candidly, “and if what I write resonates with people, that’s a win/win for me.”


A self-proclaimed anomaly, Big City Cowgirl credits her inspiration as being everything she experiences on a daily basis.  She certainly has a lot of material from which to choose.  “My experiences run the gamut so the motivation for my creativity is everywhere,” she explains, “By day, I have a very rewarding job in the legal profession and by night, I am a mom, a wife, a friend, a songwriter, and just about everything else to everyone else.”


Big City Cowgirl resides in New York with her family. She is a supporter of animal rights, and making the world a better place for future generations. She believes in God, her country, dreams coming true,  living life with a sense of purpose and being grateful.  As she puts it, “I am truly blessed in every way and I count those blessings every day.”